Our vision ...
Our vision as a church is to continue growing into viable instruments in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Our main purpose is spreading the good news of God’s love for every individual, no matter what their journey in life has taken them through or the place it has brought them to. We provide a safe place for those whose lives have not turned out quite as they may have planned, and to help them find rest and a renewed relationship with Christ.
We also serve a place for those who already do have a relationship with Christ, and serve, follow and grow in Him, alongside our brothers and sisters.

We strive to provide evolving life groups for all to find a connection with those who are in a similar stage in their lives and walks with Christ. Along with those goals, we are continually searching for new ways to expand our local and global mission outreach. In regard to longer-term goals, we hold the belief that we should disciple new christians towards the ultimate goal of sharing the Word of God and saving souls. We also follow God's will, even when it requires us to set goals which look and seem impossible to reach. We continue to see God reach down and do His supernatural work and will through us, for the glory of His Holy Name, alone.